Student Handbook Section 3: Residence Life, Dining, and Safe Living
This section of the Student Handbook provides essential information on Residence Life, Dining, and Safe Living on campus. Here are some highlights of what is covered:
Residence Life
- Our Staff
- Contracts
- Assignments
- Fees
- Cancellations
- Living in Campus Housing
- Community Standards
- Services
- Healthy Living
- Health and Safety Policies
- Policies and Conduct
- Security and Emergency Procedures
- Information about University Approved Housing (Fraternities)
Dining Services
- Policies
- UE IDs
- Meal Plans
- Using Meals and Ace Bucks
- Dietary Needs
- Sack Lunches and Sick Trays
- Dining Locations and Hours
- Contact Information
Safe Living
- What the Office of Public Safety Provides
- Theft Prevention
- Escort Patrols
- Staying Safe on the Phone
- Fire
- Weather – Closing and Delays
- Ace Alerts
- Tornados
- Earthquake
- Emergency Medical Response
- Missing Persons
- Jean Cleary Act
- Emergency Telephones
- Contact Information
Office Phone
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center